Fashion Flash Boutique stock various labels so we strongly recommend you check the sizes guide on the item description itself before referring to the below size chart. If the item has no size guide the size chart below can be used.

If you would like exact measurements contact us via the Contact Us button (bottom left hand corner of your screen) with the item name and size and we will assist you with the perfect size. 

AU Size Guide
XS/6 S/8 M/10 L/12 XL/14
Bust 82 cm 85 cm 90 cm 95 cm 100 cm
Waist  64 cm 67 cm 72 cm 77 cm 82 cm
Hips 92 cm 95 cm 100 cm 105 cm 110 cm


Note: Style sizes may vary between 1-3cm compared to the size guide.